Wednesday, June 28, 2006


wet morning, colors extra sharp. chelsea townhouse--hydrangea plant with perfect white pom poms of flowers. one house down --a tree, polka-dotted with large, round, crenellated patches of perfectly white mold.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


West 22nd street outside of propshop: A copse of fake trees in glorious fall colors-unbearably hot June day.


Late afternoon sun sets low across the yard. The light hits the bare trees on the line between our house and the neighbors--they are illuminated electric like golden x-rays.

Sunday, June 18, 2006


For AF:

"Mom's Beauty Nail".

And the newly acquired Homey and Trailer Park, looking at each other across the candlelit table while we waited for dinner.

Friday, June 16, 2006

6/15/2006 pm

Two young girls (13? 14?) in too mature clothing (plunging necklines, tight-fitting) and too much make-up, and too high heels shuffling awkwardly (adolescently) through the galleries.

Two middle aged women in too young clothing (bubble-gum pink, sparkly, tight) shuffling self-consciously through the same rooms.

Later, outside, the same two pairs sitting opposite each other on either side of the reflecting pool (refelection of buildings waving amongst the pennies).

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Tight pony-tail (blonde hair/dark roots), pink lips that match pink cordury blazer, nearly match pink bag, fingertips and toenails.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


young man and woman leashed together by the headphones in the ipod in his pocket.